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Meet Dr. Andy

Meet Dr. Andy: Meet the Team

I share with pride, two life changing unforgetable experiences, which prepared me to accept the call to continue the legacy of my late father - Rt.Rev.Babbili Prabhudss, first Bishop of Diocese of Karimnager and late mother Sarah Prabhudas who have dedicated their lives to provide the needed spiritual, medical, social, domestic needs for hundreds of lepers, familes, neighbors residing in a leper colony located at Borabanda, Parvathnager, Hyderabad, India.
Firstly, as a six-teen year old high school graduate. In the summer of 1966, I was selected to do a pre-med hospital externship along with Dr.Christa Kupfernagel, a very dedicated medical missionary doctor, and director of Church of South India Hospital in Karimnager. During an early morning pre- surgical rounds, she asked me boldly "have you touched a leper?" After a few seconds pause, I answered "No."
Without hesitation and delay with her deep German accent she asked me another bold but curious question "do you want to touch today?" I hesitantly consented, donned gloves and for the first time in my life I touched an old lady with leprosy infestatated crippled, disfigured toes which were successfully amputated that day.
On July 13th 1996, yet another touching experience was noted at the burial service of my father in Narayanguda church cemetery, where scores of crippled lepers attended and participated in the burial service. After a beautiful grave site service, few sobbing lepers asked "now what is going to happen to us, who will take care of us?" Please do not forget us, do what ever you can, your dad was a little Jesus to us." My parents with the help of friends and family built a small one and the only living Church for the Lepers, support an evangelist to conduct worship and Holy Communion services every sunday, built stable strong, houses, improved sanitation,and fresh water supplies, food, clothing, medicine and wound dressing supplies, foot wear, tools to assit ambulation and many more.
These above two experiences vastly helped me to answer the call shaped my deep interest, dedication, passion to continue to provide medical, psychsocial, educational preventive services to the lepers and their familes in Hansons colony, Parvathnager and other surrounding areas. It's a tremendous challenge ahead of us and I urge you all to pray and support this ministry amongst the poorest of the poor, helpless and most neglected children of God in and around Hyderabad, India.
We thank all our church and diocesan members, leaders, friends, relatives and well wishers for their continuous prayers and generous monetary support to HOPEWALLAH Inc.
Hopewallah is an IRS tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Generous donations to this charity organization are tax deductible.

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